Gone are the days when you have to sit for hours in the library searching for your study materials. With this new era of advanced science and modern technology, multiple efficient platforms could solve all your problems with the snap of a finger. From providing you with all the informative content to explaining you using illustrative examples, these new educational Youtube channels have become the biggest platform for students’ education. Now studying is no more restricted to textbooks or study halls; instead, you can access these guiding platforms anywhere, anytime. Don’t believe me? See for yourself-  Who would go through the burden of Extra classes when you can enjoy learning through interactive study sessions with these Best Educational Youtube Channels for students. From Kids to Middle school students and College students to lifelong learners, these Educational platforms will solve all your issues with a magic wand.

Topmost Educational Youtube Channels For Students To Get Their Fair Share Of Fun Learning

According to Statista, Almost 500-600 hours of video content are uploaded to YouTube every minute! With such voluminous content arises the problem of relevancy- Where to go? Whom to choose? Which Educational YouTube Channel to believe in, and which platform to trust for your Research and Essays? Well, don’t sweat; we are here to help you find the top and only the best Youtube channels for students. Read along to get your required information on these intriguing Channels-

Best Educational YouTube Channels for High School Students Learning

1. CrashCourse

Launched on May 19, 2006, Crash course is one of the top Education YouTube Channel known for offering a wide range of Topics. From World History to entrepreneurship to Psychology, this informative Educational Youtube Channel offers 32 detailed courses for students. Another intriguing factor of this creative Educational channel is that it uses historical footage and imaginative illustrations with a twist of humor to keep its viewers entertained. You could easily take the help of this youtube channel for your research papers and amplify your knowledge. According to digital trends, one video from Crash Course will be enough to assist you in impressing someone and going home with their phone number!! Subscribers: 13.1M

2. Veritasium

Since July 21, 2010, Veritasium has become one of the best educational YouTube channels for students with its new perspective teaching. With their demonstrations, interviews, and comprehensive illustrations, the Youtube channel provides a 3-Dimensional perspective on the subject.  This creative way of education provides students with a fascinating insider’s look making it one of the best educational Youtube channels. Subscribers: 11.4M


When a channel has Science in its name, it is bound to be educational. And AsapSCIENCE didn’t disappoint us. With its Weekly series, students have become obsessed, exploring everything with a scientific lens.  The Educational Channel’s most significant tagline- “Making science makes sense” has been analyzed with real-world examples. Launched on May 28, 2012, this best educational YouTube channel successfully bridged the gap between science and the real world, making students participate willingly. Subscribers: 10M

4. Khan Academy

Launched on November 16, 2006, Khan Academy is a nonprofit educational organization started by Sal Khan. With the intent of providing free, world-class education, this amazing Educational YouTube channel posts innovative videos explaining complex concepts from different genres. From Biology to Maths and Physics to Finance, this study guide helps you go along step-by-step. Subscribers: 7.08M

5. It’s Okay To Be Smart

Another noteworthy mention among the best educational YouTube Channels is “It’s Okay To Be Smart.” Along with its creative name, its content is also full of creativity and imagination. This visionary educational YouTube Channel investigates and explores scientific concepts with a tinge of abstract ideas. Hammering into some of Life’s unanswered questions, it dives directly to Students’ points of interest. This channel is known for retaining students by enhancing their logic and abstract knowledge. Subscribers: 4.51M

Best Educational YouTube Channels For College Students’ Research

1. C.G.P. Grey

First launched on Aug 12, 2010, this educational video for students focuses on History, Philosophy, Technology, and Politics. CENTRAL GROUND PLATFORM GRAY ROBOT THING is an educational channel by an American- Irish Youtuber/podcaster that uploads short creative explanatory videos on many different topics. This illuminating Youtube channel predominantly features American culture and British culture featuring animations and stock footage. This best educational youtube channel is a go-to place for students to get their daily quota of learnings and advanced research material. Subscribers: 5.19M

2. TED-Ed

First released on March 1, 2011, the Ted-Ed educational channel of YouTube has provided multiple ranges of courses from Mathematics to Visual Arts. But this is not what makes it rank among the best educational Youtube channels. Rather its concept of providing talented educators, professionals, and specialists with animators to create educational videos for students make it one of the most popular Educational channel.  A part of the TED community, Ted-Ed is acknowledged for uploading the most fascinating and captivating study material for students. According to Forbes, Some students have reviewed that they spent hours on this informative, educational Youtube channel studying topics they weren’t interested in. Wow..!! It sounds like the best way to engage students with learning. Subscribers: 16.2 M

3. Big Think

Bing Thing is one of the oldest YouTube channels that is note-worthy for retaining its value among the best Educational YouTube Channels. Since October 2006, it has guided students with its compelling content.  Many famous names such as Bill Nye and Neil deGrasse Tyson are associated with this artistic Channel. In their interactive, live stream sessions, many experts provide students with appropriate advice and guidance.  This YouTube Channel is a leading source of expert-driven, actionable, educational content that every student needs. Subscribers: 3.62 M

4. Vox

While Vox’s name is usually associated with News Media, thor educational youtube channel features content regarding foreign policy, diverse cultures, forgotten history, pop culture, and much more.  Vox Channel could also e used to connect with world-class professionals, experts, and specialists speaking on the desired topic of the video. The complementary, engaging animations and visuals give it an extraordinary touch. Subscribers: 10.2 M

5. The Art Assignment

Just as our life is incomplete without art, the list for best Educational YouTube Channels is also incomplete without mentioning Art Educational Channel, The Art Assignment. This artistic YouTube Channel explores contemporary art and art history through educational videos.  It takes its audience to a digital adventure of real-life locations with Art at its focus. Their captivating video series introduces the students to innovative artists exploring art and its history from their present fresh perspective. Subscribers: 667K

Wrapping Up

Who knew learning could be so fascinating for students!! After all, why should adults have all the fun?  Since now every student can access worldwide information and study lessons with a click, studying is no more a boring, tedious, stressful work. With these Best Educational YouTube Channels, learning has become so entertaining that students from all over the world willingly participate in their interactive fun study sessions. Their easy and creative way of explaining has gone far beyond any typical school teaching.  Well, out of all the study Channels on YouTube, we have picked out the best ones for you that are worth your time. Now, it’s your time to go, explore and make your decision on which Educational YouTube Channel suits you the best..!! Goodbye..!! And Have a Great Day.


10 Best Educational YouTube Channels For Students In 2022   - 7410 Best Educational YouTube Channels For Students In 2022   - 4310 Best Educational YouTube Channels For Students In 2022   - 8810 Best Educational YouTube Channels For Students In 2022   - 4610 Best Educational YouTube Channels For Students In 2022   - 4